a simple sting

I like these clever, cute and uncluttered Film North promos.

2010 will actually be the first Film North Fest on record - it'll be held from the 23rd to the 25th in the Muskokas (Huntsville to be exact).

I once dated this fellow whose parents were nouveau Canadian white-trash wealthy. They fiercely, shamelessly, guarded their toys and itemized their riches to the point that we couldn't even light a fire in the fireplace of their 3.5 million dollar Muskoka 'cottage' without incurring their wrath that we'd somehow ruin it, or make a mess on their gorgeous bearskins.

We did make a mess.

Moral of the story: their shittiness could not by one iota take away from the stunning gorgeousness of the Muskoka great outdoors, pristine, clarifying, deep-breath-taking, stunning Canadian Shield awesomesauceness.

I remember waking up at 4AM - we'd dragged the mattress into the front room with the five story windows - and looking up at an unadulterated view of the night sky, glittering goodness, shooting stars like it was nothing, and thinking: this is what it must be like spinning slowly into space.

Oh boo, too bad we broke up.

Anyway, my point is Film North may succeed on a great program or just on setting alone - either way, fun promos.

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